

case study

A ten-month journey from 200 to 2700 monthly visits

THE GOAL: increased website traffic and new b2b clients

Wellness Forest wanted to grow their business by expanding their customer range and that’s why they asked us to help with the strategy. Since their facilities are very spacious and they also have accommodation to stay, we decided the best way to do this is by offering their treatments to businesses that are doing company retreats.


We have noticed that Wellness Forest had a couple of blog posts on their website, which is a great advantage for any business. However, they were writing about very basic topics that were pretty competitive and not using the right keywords. Once we decided to change their strategy and start selling to other businesses we have done a thorough research on which keywords were trending and what do business owners look for online as a retreat for their employees. That’s how we crafted the content strategy by writing and publishing educational articles on the physical and psychological benefits of spa centers for hard working employees. We collaborated with a couple of business oriented websites that operated locally where their authors published an article about Wellness Forest’s retreat programs. Our blog posts combined with the other articles from other websites that were linking straight to the website had an immense impact on the SEO and traffic which resulted in starting partnerships with many local businesses.

THE Results

1250% increase in traffic

7X more clients than before

740 email sign ups in one month

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